[RPG] Where does a Javelin of Lightning land when it misses its target


We were having an "argument" about what happens when the Javelin of Lightning misses its target.

Here's the important text for the item:

When you hurl it and speak its command word, it transforms into a bolt of lightning, forming a line 5 feet wide that extends out from you to a target within 120 feet. […] The lightning bolt turns back into a javelin when it reaches the target. Make a ranged weapon attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes damage from the javelin plus 4d6 lightning damage.

If you miss the shot with the javelin, does it ever actually reach its target? Or does it continue to be a five-foot corridor of lightning until it hits something? Does it use the momentum of speed-of-light motion to carry itself miles away?

As a note, I feel like the answer is a straightforward "No, it turns into a javelin before you make the ranged check, so it should just fall like a normal javelin."

However, I seem to be the only one who sees it this way in our group. DMs can determine whatever they want of course, just curious of its behavior as written.

Best Answer

The description says "reaches the target." It does not say "successfully hits the target."

So I agree with your interpretation that the javelin stops being lightning and behaves like a javelin as it gets near the target whether it actually hits them or not.

Also consider that failing the ranged check does not always mean a miss. It could also mean that you hit them but it failed to penetrate their armor.