[RPG] Where is the origin of the “Duck in a Dungeon” trope


Let's say your party is in the second floor of a dungeon, and you just arbitrarily see a duck, in the dungeon. The act of there being a duck in a dungeon should provoke a fight or flight response because there's obviously something horribly wrong going on.

Where does this come from exactly? I'm aware of the Duck of Doom Munchkin card, but I'm almost positive that this trope has roots in a system or game prior to the actual creation of Munchkin.

Best Answer

I think the origin is Munchkin actually.

Munchkin has a Duck of Doom card, but per a question about it on Board & Card Games SE, linked in a comment by indigochild, there's no real source for the duck of doom joke, other than the legendary sadistic tendencies of certain gamemasters to turn any potential action into a player death. So what would would be the last thing anyone would think of to bring certain dooooooooooom?

A little yellow rubber ducky? Brilliant!

For actual RPGs that are centered around the grim black comedy of death after death, the duck doesn't quite fit. For a tongue-in-cheek game like Munchkin, it fits. So I think that answer (currently top/accepted) referencing Gygax's work is correct, there was no previous origin.

Possibly Munchkin has now been around long enough, and the duck meme-worthy enough, that GMs are now using it as a "fair warning, I need to kill someone now" sign.