[RPG] Which Great Elder One wants to be symbiotic with a world and rule it as part of its body


My player wants to be a warlock of the Great Old One. The campaign would be in the Forgotten Realms setting (D&D 5e).

He wants to make a pact with an entity that wants to gather all knowledge in the world and that wants to become one with the world itself (like, become a living world), to rule it.

That is a very strange concept, and I can't find any suitable creature in FR lore.

Maybe Zuggtmoy? I have no idea.

What creature, from the FR lore (any edition), would be most suitable for this situation?

Best Answer

While not defined as Great Old Ones, the following beings from the FR lore might be of interest for your goals (perhaps you could retcon these as aspects/avatars of the warlock's patron, or you could imagine that the warlock is misinterpreting the goals of these beings):

  • Araumycos: A sentient enormous fungal growth that occupies a huge region in the Underdark. It wants to free all intelligent beings from the chaos of individuality and integrate them into the comfort of its collective consciousness.
  • Atropus: A undead primordial in the form of a small moon.

The Chained God Tharizdun could also be an option, as mentioned in the answer by David Coffron. It is a mad god originating from Oerth who wants to destroy everything. Some cultists want to unleash Tharizdun onto Faerun.