DnD 3.5e Spells – Spells Improving Damage Infinitely with Caster Levels


I've been looking for spells that have no upper limit damage based on caster level for my Warlock use with his Craft Staff feat.

For example, Flame Strike (Clr 5/Drd 4) has the upper limit of 15d6 damage at caster level 15. However, Hammer of Righteousness (Sanctified 2, BoED 100) cause 1d6/1d8(if evil) damage per caster level with no upper limit.

Is there any other spells, regardless of class, level and number of targets, that have infinite damage progression with caster levels?

Best Answer

Probably the most useful spell for your purposes is the 4th-level sorcerer-only spell wings of flurry [evoc] (Races of the Dragon 119) that is considered by some broken because of its uncapped damage and its ability to hit a great many targets at once. Another factor may be that the spell also dazes those who fail the Reflex saving throw against it. It's a nasty spell.

Also of interest may be the 3rd-level cleric spell venomfire [trans] (Serpent Kingdoms 158) that's one of the game's nastiest spells, and by my estimate routinely house-ruled to be more reasonable or banned outright. The spell causes the subject's "venom to become caustic, dealing an additional 1d6 points of acid damage per caster level with each use," therefore enabling some creatures to deal damage with it multiple times per turn. Exploiting the spell's effect becomes a matter of finding a way to poison one's attacks, like by using the collar of venom (Book of Vile Darkness 114) (50,000 gp; 3 lbs.). (Also see this answer on "Use feats to spit in a 15-ft. cone an injury poison that's linked to a poisonous bite.")