[RPG] Would it be unbalanced to allow a Dragonborn access to both Breath Weapon AOE types


Depending on the draconic ancestry of a dragonborn, their breath weapon either deals damage in a 5 by 30 ft. line or a 15 ft. cone.

Would there be any unbalancing if the character were allowed to switch between those two types of AOE? Looking at the Brass and Red ancestries, fire is able to do either, so if it is balanced, why should it not be allowed?

Note: I am asking about changing the AOE only, not the entire ancestry. Also, to clarify, being able to either decide to use it in a line or in a cone at will, or being able to change the area of effect type after a rest.

Best Answer

I think this is balanced

Using the example in your comment:

So like if you are in a dungeon with hallways, you could burn straight down the hallway or if you are in a room, you could toast the room.

Since you can only use it once per short rest anyway, you can't do both without resting in between. Each case taken in isolation, then, this is no different from happening to have a Brass Dragonborn in the former case and happening to have a Red Dragonborn in the latter case.

I think this is a nice way to make a Dragonborn more versatile and tactical. It will make them a bit more powerful, certainly compared to other types of Dragonborn (if, say, you decide only to do this with fire breath, since RAW none of them have cones of lightning, for example, but those fine details are up to you), but I don't think it will unbalance anything hugely.

I'd say let them choose at the time they want to use it, kind of like how Clerics and Paladins can choose which Channel Divinity to use, but can still only do it once per short rest.