[RPG] Would Protection From Good and Evil protect a monster from a PC


Some monsters can cast Protection From Good and Evil, such as an Orc Hand of Yurtrus. By spell name alone, this seems like it would be useful against a good-aligned party.

The spell description, however, states:

one willing creature you touch is protected against certain types of
creatures: aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and

Unless those are just examples of creatures it can protect against, and not a full list, it doesn't sound like the spell offers meaningful protection against, say, a halfling paladin.

Is it just broadly assumed that Protection From Good and Evil will work against PCs, when cast by a monster, or have I missed something?

Best Answer

You aren't missing anything.

Protection From Good and Evil protects against those specific creatures. While you already cite all relevant rules

Creatures of those types [...] by them

The rest of the spell also uses that specific language.

There are no hidden benefits against alignment. If your PC party doesn't consist of PCs who have those creature types, then the spell doesn't work against them. You can disregard alignment.