[RPG] Writing new campaign, is it fine to “make it up as we go along”


I'm making new fantasy Dungeons and Dragons third edition game. I wrote out the entire first situation with most general situations in mind.

Should I try and just "ole" the whole creative process and have just the enemies and the NPCs planned out? Or should I write out every single situation set out with all of the fine details?

I've been panicking over my first DM session for awhile.

Best Answer

Yes, it's fine to make it up as you go along.

Whether or not that works for you depends upon your ability to remain consistent and to improvise on the fly, but many a good campaign starts with nought more than 4-6 PC's and a map.

Also note: many a campaign lies stillborn, suffocated by excess GM prepwork. Many more get off the ground, then grind to a halt under the GM's reams of prepped details.

Too much is worse than too little.