Pathfinder 2e Attack – Understanding the Mechanics of Striking Nothing


The core of this question is: Does pathfinder 2e include a mechanism to trigger "on strike" effects without a target in RAW? By hitting the ground, angrily shaking your fist at a cloud while yelling etc.

What prompted this question was the kinetiscist air
impulse junction that allows some limited flight before/after a strike. Considering this effect can happen before a strike too it may be possible for the triggering attack to be impossible to perform. Say, the movement triggering a reaction causing the target to move out of range of the impulse. If the answer to the first question is a no, how can the movement and occur and trigger the reaction in he first place?

Best Answer

Yes, If You Suspect There's a Creature

Targeting an undetected creature is difficult. If you suspect there’s a creature around, you can pick a square and attempt an attack. This works like targeting a hidden creature, but the flat check and attack roll are both rolled in secret by the GM.

This normally allows characters to attempt attacks against creatures that are Undetected but have been noticed, but you could use this same rule to justify an attack against nothing to trigger some ability like the air impulse junction mentioned.

Otherwise, there is no general rule overriding the typical attack target of one creature. You should likely be able to do so in most cases, to allow usage of abilities like you've mentioned without contrived exceptions.

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