What happens when you cast Speak With Dead on a person who used Clone


The Clone spell immediately moves someones soul to a new body upon death. What happens if you try to use the Speak With Dead spell on the body of the person with a Clone? Presuming the body still has a mouth and the person is not undead. How to prevent the use of Speak With Dead question did not consider what happens with a Clone spell. This question said yes for Speak With Dead on a Reincarnated body but did not consider Clone either. I'm thinking about villans like Mansoon who use Clone to make themselves unkillable. I doubt Mansoon wants anyone interrogating his old body as he plots revenge from a discretely hidden lair.

Best Answer

As written, speak with dead functions normally.

Speak with dead states:

This spell doesn't return the creature's soul to its body, only its animating spirit

So there is no interaction between speak with dead and the creature's soul, so we shouldn't expect clone to create a problem for us there. Unfortunately, the phrase "animating spirit" appears once in the entire D&D 5e corpus - in the spell description of speak with dead, so there isn't much to go on concerning what that really means or the lore behind how the spell works. As written, speak with dead works just fine, as it explicitly does not interact with the creature's soul.

Further, speak with dead requires only a corpse, not that the creature that the corpse was formerly be dead. So suppose we have the corpse of a creature that has used clone to inhabit a new, properly functioning body. What does speak with dead say?

You grant the semblance of life and intelligence to a corpse of your choice within range, allowing it to answer the questions you pose.

Do we have a corpse? Yes. Next, speak with dead states:

The corpse must still have a mouth and can't be undead.

Is it undead? No. Does it still have a mouth? We can assume yes, since this isn't really pertinent to the question. Here are all the requirements for using speak with dead, summarized:

  • a corpse within range
  • has a mouth
  • not undead
  • hasn't been targeted by speak with dead in the last ten days

A creature's use of clone does not complicate any of these requirements, so speak with dead works as usual.