Pathfinder 2e Monsters – Which Damage Types Are Most and Least Common


(inspired by these questions)

I have already asked which physical damage type is the most common, but how does it look when we consider all of them?

I mean the damage directly dealt by monsters, and the typical spells they can use. Items that are an integral part of the monster (like a Solar's greatsword or longbow) should be included.

Best Answer

The data from this spreadsheet contains Bestiary 1-3, and some other sources

Type Count V Type Ʌ Count
Piercing 1446 Acid 77
Bludgeoning 939 Bleed 63
Slashing 937 Bludgeoning 939
Magical 742 Chaotic 43
Fire 180 Cold 59
Persistent 130 Electricity 69
Evil 128 Evil 128
Force 110 Fire 180
Negative 80 Force 110
Poison 78 Good 34
Acid 77 Lawful 12
Electricity 69 Magical 742
Bleed 63 Mental 25
Cold 59 Negative 80
Chaotic 43 Persistent 130
Good 34 Piercing 1446
Mental 25 Poison 78
Sonic 20 Positive 11
Lawful 12 Slashing 937
Positive 11 Sonic 20
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