Access dom element from in experience builder


I am trying to access a dom element from the in lightning experience by adding the script

<script type="text/javascript">
   document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ()=> {
   let el = document.getElementById('onetrust-consent-sdk')
   console.log('el: ', el)  

Requirement is to access this element and to change the style property on it but console log is showing null.

Any ideas how I could do this?


Best Answer

I know this is a bit late but I just did something similar and I got it to work. I ended up using the window onload event and it worked. Its possible the console is showing null because the body is not rendered / loaded yet.

What I did was add something like the following to the head markup:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
   window.onload = function() {
       var el = document.querySelector('#onetrust-consent-sdk');
       console.log('el:' , el);
       // = red;

When I did something similar for my scenario it worked and successfully selected from and manipulated the DOM.

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