Creating Map of Unique Values and sObject List


I have a list of AccountTeamMember records coming into a trigger handler class. From this list, I need to create a Map where each item is a key with the unique account ID based on the AccountTeamMember.AccountId field and then a value with a list of AccountTeamMember records that are for that account.

List of ATM records

  1. AtmID=100,AccountID=A001,UserId,U001
  2. AtmID=101,AccountID=A001,UserId,U002
  3. AtmID=102,AccountID=A002,UserId,U003
  4. AtmID=103,AccountID=A002,UserId,U004
  5. AtmID=104,AccountID=A003,UserId,U005

Map of Account IDs and List of ATM records

  1. AccountID=A001, <AtmID=100, AtmId=101>
  2. AccountID=A002, <AtmID=102, AtmId=103>
  3. AccountID=A003, <AtmID=104>

How would I could about creating this Map with Apex?

Best Answer

That's just a map of lists:

Map<Id, List<AccountTeamMember>> atmByAcctId = new Map<Id, List<AccountTeamMember>>();
for(AccountTeamMember record: someAtmList) {
  AccountTeamMember[] atmListForAcct = atmByAcctId.get(record.AccountId);
  if(atmListForAcct == null) {
    atmByAcctId.put(record.AccountId, atmListForAcct = new AccountTeamMember[0]);

You'll want to remember this pattern, it's really common for many bulkification tasks.

Another common form you may find online reads like this:

Map<Id, List<AccountTeamMember>> atmByAcctId = new Map<Id, List<AccountTeamMember>>();
for(AccountTeamMember record: someAtmList) {
  if (!atmByAcctId.containsKey(record.Id)) { 
    atmByAcctId.put(record.Id, new AccountTeamMember[0]);

Some people prefer this form, but it is relatively slow and inefficient, as I talk about in more detail in this answer.

In fact, it's so common, that I've used something like this as a generic method:

 public static Map<Object, List<sObject>> mapRecordsByField(sObject[] records, sObjectField field) {
   Map<Object, List<sObject>> results = new Map<Object, List<sObject>>();
   for(sObject record: records) {
     Object key = record.get(field);
     sObject[] recordsByValue = results.get(key);
     if(recordsByValue == null) {
       results.put(key, recordsByValue = new sObject[0]);
   return results;
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