SalesforceDX – Custom Domains Aren’t Allowed in Scratch Orgs


I am currently working ISV project which helps Salesforce Customer in the issuance and renewal of CA Signed Certificates, be it with Let's Encrypt or any ACME-compliant CA.

Standard flow of issuance of a CA Signed certificate is as Follow :

  • Create a certificate in your org
  • Download CSR
  • Send it somehow to your CA
  • Upload certificate
  • Repeat each year or have your users complain about a red padlock

On other plateforms, this is usually solved by Certbot (or any ACME client). No such luck on Salesforce and i aim to fill that gap.

ACME protocol incurs the verification of a certificate identifier (aka domain) ownership by the CA customer.
One of the method is by checking a given file content hosted on a server servicing said domain.

Developing the product, i would like to simulate the actions a customer would take, IE, putting that file in their Experience Cloud site as a static resource with the proper redirect, the problem can be solved.

How ever, within a scratch org, when i attempt to create a custom domain, like any customer would do in their production org, in enconter the following error :

Custom domains aren't allowed in scratch orgs, so you can't add [a domain I own]

Is there any Scratch org feature or setting that may enable this ?

This is the Scratch org def file I currently use.

  "orgName": "gaelmotte company",
  "edition": "Enterprise",
  "language": "en_US",
  "features": [
  "settings": {
    "CommunitiesSettings": {
      "enableNetworksEnabled": true
    "lightningExperienceSettings": {
      "enableS1DesktopEnabled": true
    "mobileSettings": {
      "enableS1EncryptedStoragePref2": false

As a workaround, i am considering using orgShapes, but buying a licence just to define a custom domain i may use in my tests when developing the products seems a bit excessive.

Alternatively, i could simulate issuance of certicate for the standard url of the Experience Site (, but i could not prove :

  • Certificate works for said url since i could not deploy it and serve HTTPS content with it
  • The whole flow, ie, when a subscriber of my ISV product would use it for their Experience site on a custom domain.

Disclaimer :
i am aware Salesforce recommends using their CDN for Experience Sites, which solves the certifcate issuance and renewal.
It does not however solve every use case (should a customer require to use their OWN CA instead of let's encrypt, yet do noy OWN a CDN, or having issues with akamai cdn for instance)

Thanks for your help on this one 🙂

Best Answer

After a call with Salesforce support for the case i oppened, it turns out they simply do not support this due to the short lived nature of scratch orgs and have no plans to.

They suggested I resort to orgShapes instead.

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