Deserialize JSON array which contains custom fields? Passing data from LWC to APEX


I have an array JSON which contains custom fields as well as some other data as below,

jsonString = '[{"Id":"a2l0E000000WFL2QAO","Name":"TCIP-0000022","SCTC_Product_Description__c":"Men\'s denim apparel | PC0006 - Pants, trousers | PD0003 - 50% [No attribute]  Acrylic,50% Recycled post-consumer  Polyester","SCTC_Raw_Material_Inventory_kg__c":100,"Amount_kg":"30","id":"row-0"},{"Id":"a2l0E000000WFgSQAW","Name":"TCIP-0000024","SCTC_Product_Description__c":"Men\'s denim apparel | PC0006 - Pants, trousers | PD0003 - 50% Sustainably sourced  Bamboo","SCTC_Raw_Material_Inventory_kg__c":100,"Amount_kg":"10","id":"row-1"},{"Id":"a2l0E000000WFRpQAO","Name":"TCIP-0000023","SCTC_Product_Description__c":"Women\'s apparel | PC0002 - Overcoats, jackets, vests | PD0001 - 50% Recycled post-consumer  Polyester","SCTC_Raw_Material_Inventory_kg__c":50,"Amount_kg":"11","id":"row-2"}]';

I was trying to deserialize this JSON at the apex controller below is my code:

JS Controller:

      handleCheck(event) {
        this.inputAmount = 0;
        let selectedRows = [];
       // this.selectedRows = [];
        let rowValue = event.detail.config.value;
        let draftValues = this.template.querySelector("lightning-datatable").draftValues;
        selectedRows = [...event.detail.selectedRows];
        let configSelection = event.detail.config.selection;
        for(let i = 0; i < draftValues.length; i++){
            if(configSelection =='rowSelect' && draftValues[i].id === rowValue){
                let newConcatedRow = {...selectedRows[i],Amount_kg: draftValues[i].Amount_kg};
                this.addition = this.addition + parseInt(draftValues[i].Amount_kg);

        //call apex method to for calculations
        testApexMethod({jsonData: this.selectedRows})
            .then(result =>{
            .catch(error => {


Apex Controller:

public with sharing class Demo {

    public class DemoWrapper{
        public String Id{get;set;}
        public String Name{get;set;}
        public String SCTC_Product_Description__c{get;set;}
        public Integer SCTC_Raw_Material_Inventory_kg__c{get;set;}
        public String Amount_kg{get;set;}
    public static void testApexMethod(List<Object> jsonData){
        /* Stuck Here */

Problem 1: Unable to parse data using wrapper class as I have custom fields included, I'm unable to directly assign value to wrapper class variables __c characters are reserved
Problem 2: Tried to parse data directly using Map and failed, I'm getting errors at runtime

Any help with the code will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You're going to have to choose one: (a) rename Amount_Kg to be a proper custom field, and then use the custom object directly, or (b) rename the properties in your wrapper class to not use __ in the name, and then use those in the JS.

With option (a), you can change your method to just:

@AuraEnabled public static void testApexMethod(List<My_Custom_Object__c> records) {
  // ...

This will allow you to skip needing a custom wrapper entirely.

With option (b), you can use your wrapper class, then copy the data to records as you desire:

@AuraEnabled public static void testApexMethod(List<DemoWrapper> wrappers) {
  // ...