Help to send data from one list to another using temporary object type


can someone help me with this operation with lists?
I have two lists, one is a custom object and the other is :

public class OppNegocioTemp {
    public Double Demanda_Compra {get;set;}
    public Double Oferta_Venda {get;set;}
    public String VariedadeNome {get;set;}
    public String idopp {get;set;}
    public OppNegocioTemp(Oportunidade_de_Negocios__c oppNeg){

I don't know the name given when creating this type of lists, what I did so far was to receive the data in a vfp and save it in this temporary list, and now I send the data from this temporary list to the object (save in the database)


public List<OppNegocioTemp>getOppNegocios(){
            oppNegocios=[Select Id, Variedade__c,Variedade__r.Name, Oferta_Venda__c, LastModifiedDate, Licenciado__c, Safra__c,Demanda_Compra__c, Conta__c  
                         FROM Oportunidade_de_Negocios__c WHERE Licenciado__c =: idlicenciado AND Safra__c =: safraActual ORDER BY LastModifiedDate DESC ];
        for(Oportunidade_de_Negocios__c i:oppNegocios ){
            listTempOppNegocios.add(new OppNegocioTemp(i) );
        for(OppNegocioTemp i:listTempOppNegocios){
        return listTempOppNegocios;

in short I did a select for popular oppNegocios then I sent the data from oppNegocios to listTempOppNegocios and now I want to do the opposite, send the data from listTempOppNegocios for oppNegocios
but I must be wrong in the syntax… I keep getting the following error:

 Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void listTempOppNegocios(OppNegocioTemp) from the type aSiteOppNegociosController

thank you who can help…

Best Answer

Instead of

        for(OppNegocioTemp i:listTempOppNegocios){

you need to have (notice that you need to call get on list to get an element or use array accessor [] notation instead of method call () notation)

        for(OppNegocioTemp i:listTempOppNegocios){

With that said, you could also achieve what you are trying to as follows without you looping.
