How to determine when a platform event is completed within an aura component


I have an aura component that generates new record. The helper calls the Apex controller and the records are generated but they are done via a platform event. How can I determine when the platform event is completed. I want to get the ids of the new records.


var action = component.get("c.submitRecord");   

getJobid: function(component, event, helper, tempId){
         is job created??????


    public static String (sObject order, sObject job)

        order__c orders= (orders__c) order;
        job__c jobs = (job__c) job;

        insert orders;

        jobs.order__c = orders.Id; //original code before platform event but received error
        insert jobs;    //original code before platform event but received error
      Publish_Job__e createJob = new Publish_Job__e();
      createJob.job_JSON__c = jobJSON;
      createJob.job_title__c = 'Title';

Best Answer

Assuming that the arrangement you have is necessary, I'd use the lightning:empApi library to subscribe to a second Platform Event that could be fired off by the Platform Event trigger to get the data from the child object once it's done.

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