Lightning Web Components – Display [int, str], [str, str] Data from JSON to DataTable


I'm trying to display data from HTTP API response from third system in LWC app.

The problem is, that some of that data that I get from the external system is in following types:

enter image description here

I have trouble display the selected columns. If the returned data is just str || int .. data is properly displayed.

The mapping loop is as following:

.then(response => {
                let responseData = JSON.parse(response);
                var data = [];
       => {
                  let newRow = {};
                      row.forEach((element, index) => {
                    newRow[this.columns[index].fieldName] = element;
                this.data_Datatable = data;
            .catch(error => {
                this.error = error;


I tried this but it doesn't work:

JSON.stringify(newRow[this.columns[index].fieldName] = element); 

Thank you.

EDIT 1 11/17/2022 – Forgot to attach datatable screenshot:

enter image description here

As you can see, I have 2 columns completely empty – those are the types that are [str, int], or [int, int] …

EDIT 2 11/17/2022 – ADDED JSON response:

        "data": [
                "Galaxy S6"
                "Galaxy S6 Edge+"
            ], ...]
"meta": {
        "columns": [
        "count": 1356

EDIT 3 11/17/2022

enter image description here

Defined outsite od LWC class:

import SystemModstamp from '@salesforce/schema/Account.SystemModstamp';

const flatten = (obj) => {
  return [...obj].map(item => {
    if (Array.isArray(item)) {
      return ('' + flatten(item)).split(',');
    else {
      return '' + item

export default class mainComponent extends LightningElement {

LWC Apex imperative call –>

}).then(response => {
        let responseData = JSON.parse(response);
        console.log(' ===== \n' +;
        this.data_Datatable = flatten(;
      .catch(error => {
        his.error = error;

Best Answer

Hmm how about this recursive function:

const flatten = (obj) => {
  return [...obj].map(item => {
    if (Array.isArray(item) ){
      return ('' + flatten(item)).split(',');
    else {
      return '' + item

let flattened = flatten(data);

It works on each row. flatten takes the array (or object) and for each item in the array, it either appends a string (converting it to a string) or if it's still an array, it calls itself again.

To call this, define flatten outside the LWC class - as a const like above. Then invoke like this:

this.data_Datatable = flatten(;

You'll be able to entirely skip the forEach loop that you have.

Check out a JSFiddle demonstrating this here