Make a date dynamic SOQL query for Database.getQueryLocator


My goal for this class is to run for every missing day up until today, with just one call from an anon block.

I would like some assistance with creating a dynamic soql query that will work within the batch apex Database.getQueryLocator. As many of you probably know, there are three required functions within batch apex (Start, execute and finish). I am specifically talking about the start method that query all of the records that will be batched through. I've narrowed down the issue to be the bind variable missingDate. The original variable is being pulled from the argument I give in the constructor from the anon block. It is then used again after being modified to the next day in the finish function to call the next day.

The query works when I run it in an anon block after assigning the variable but returns nothing when testing.

Updated after Rubens Initial Comment(Thank you again):

public class MasterInventoryMissingBatchCleanUp implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{

    public Date missingDate;

    public MasterInventoryMissingBatchCleanUp(Date missingDate){
        this.missingDate = missingDate;

    public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
        return Database.getQueryLocator(
            'SELECT Aisle__c,Item__c,Last_Record__c,Section__c,Shelf__c,Units_in_Stock__c,units_entry__c, Warehouse_name__c,Account_item_owner__c,Effective_Start_Date__c,Effective_End_Date__c, Status__c,Stock_Location__c,Transaction_Entry__c,Transaction_Number__c,Virtual_Bin_Designation__c, Master_Allocation__c,P_O__c,Shipping_ID__c FROM Stock_Entry__c WHERE Effective_Start_Date__c <= :missingDate AND (Effective_End_Date__c = NULL OR Effective_End_Date__c >= :missingDate) AND units_in_stock__c > 0'  
    public void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<Stock_Entry__c> scope){
    // process each batch of records
        List<Master_Inventory__c > snewt = new List <Master_Inventory__c>(); 
        for(Stock_Entry__c se :Scope){
            system.debug('Effective start date: ' + se.Effective_Start_Date__c);
            system.debug('Effective end date: ' + se.Effective_End_Date__c);
            Master_Inventory__c snew = new Master_Inventory__c (
                units_entry__c = se.units_entry__c ,
                Units_in_Stock__c = se.Units_in_Stock__c,
                warehouse_name__c = se.warehouse_name__c ,
                Aisle__c = se.Aisle__c,
                Section__c = se.section__c,
                Shelf__c = se.Shelf__c,
                Status__c = se.Status__c,
                Item__c = se.Item__c,
                Account_item_owner__c =se.Account_item_owner__c,
                Effective_Start_Date__c = se.Effective_Start_Date__c,
                Effective_End_Date__c = se.Effective_End_Date__c,
                Master_Allocation__c = se.Master_Allocation__c,
                P_O__c = se.P_O__c,
                Shipping_ID__c = se.Shipping_ID__c,
                Stock_Location__c = se.Stock_Location__c,
                Transaction_Entry__c = se.Transaction_Entry__c,
                Transaction_Number__c = se.Transaction_Number__c,
                Virtual_Bin_Designation__c = se.Virtual_Bin_Designation__c,
                Power_of_One__c = 1,
                Inventory_Date__c = missingDate
        insert snewt;

public void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc){
    Date newMissingDate = missingDate.addDays(1);
    if( newMissingDate <{
        MasterInventoryMissingBatchCleanUp myBatchObject = new MasterInventoryMissingBatchCleanUp(newMissingDate);
        Id batchId = Database.executeBatch(myBatchObject,500);


    String[] toAddresses = new String[] {'[email protected]'};
    Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail=new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
            mail.setReplyTo('[email protected]');
            mail.setSenderDisplayName('Batch Completion Notification');
            mail.setSubject('Missing Master Inventory Batch Clean Up Completed for Date: '+ string.valueOf(missingdate));
            mail.setPlainTextBody('The Missing Master Inventory Batch Clean Up has Completed');
        Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });



Testclass also after Ruben's initial comment:

public class MasterInventoryMissingBatchCleanUp_Test{

    static void makeData(){
        // Create your test data
        Account acc = new Account(); ='Test';
        acc.RecordTypeID = '012j0000000pirBAAQ';
        insert acc;

        Stock_Location__c sl = new Stock_Location__c();
        sl.Aisle__c = 'a';
        sl.Section__c = '2';
        sl.Shelf__c = 'a';
        insert sl;

        Sourcing_Item__c sitem = new Sourcing_Item__c(); = 'test mitem';
        sitem.Unit_of_measure__c = 'unit';
        sitem.Account_Owner__c =; 
        insert sitem;

        Date oneMonthAgo =;
        List<Stock_Entry__c> stockEntryList = new List<Stock_Entry__c>();
        Stock_Entry__c sec1 = new Stock_Entry__c();
        sec1.Virtual_Bin_Designation__c = 'test';
        sec1.units_Entry__c = 1;
        sec1.item__c = sitem.Id;
        sec1.status__c = 'In hand';
        sec1.aisle__c = 'a';
        sec1.section__c = 2;
        sec1.shelf__c = 'a';
        sec1.Last_Record__c = True;
        sec1.Effective_Start_Date__c = oneMonthAgo; 
        sec1.Effective_End_Date__c = NULL;
        sec1.units_in_stock__c = 1;
        Stock_Entry__c sec2 = new Stock_Entry__c();
        sec2.Virtual_Bin_Designation__c = 'test';
        sec2.units_Entry__c = 1;
        sec2.item__c = sitem.Id;
        sec2.status__c = 'In hand';
        sec2.aisle__c = 'a';
        sec2.section__c = 2;
        sec2.shelf__c = 'a';
        sec2.Last_Record__c = True;
        sec2.Effective_Start_Date__c = oneMonthAgo;
        sec2.Effective_End_Date__c = NULL;
        sec2.units_in_stock__c = 2;
        Stock_Entry__c sec3 = new Stock_Entry__c();
        sec3.Virtual_Bin_Designation__c = 'test';
        sec3.units_Entry__c = 1;
        sec3.item__c = sitem.Id;
        sec3.status__c = 'In hand';
        sec3.aisle__c = 'a';
        sec3.section__c = 2;
        sec3.shelf__c = 'a';
        sec3.Last_Record__c = True;
        sec3.Effective_Start_Date__c = oneMonthAgo;
        sec3.Effective_End_Date__c = NULL;
        sec3.units_in_stock__c =3;
        insert stockEntryList;


    @istest static void test() {
        date twoDaysAgo =;
        MasterInventoryMissingBatchCleanUp miTest = new MasterInventoryMissingBatchCleanUp(twoDaysAgo);
        Id batchId = Database.executeBatch(miTest);
        Integer expectedRecords = [SELECT COUNT() FROM Stock_Entry__c];
        System.assertEquals(expectedRecords, [SELECT COUNT() FROM Master_Inventory__c], 'There are not ' + expectedRecords + ' records');


What this test returns:
System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: There are not 3 records: Expected: 3, Actual: 0

Best Answer

The query in start method has three conditions that must be fulfilled:

  1. Effective_Start_Date__c <= :missingDate
  2. Effective_End_Date__c = NULL OR Effective_End_Date__c >= :missingDate
  3. units_in_stock__c > 0

In the makeData method you create three Stock Entry with these values:

  1. Effective_Start_Date__c =;
  2. Effective_End_Date__c = NULL;
  3. units_in_stock__c = null (because you never set it)

Then you set twoDaysAgo as missingDate, but today (Effective_Start_Date__c) is not less or equal than twoDaysAgo.
So the first and the third conditions of the start query are not verified.

In the makeData method you could set Effective_Start_Date__c =; and units_in_stock__c = 1.

Date oneMonthAgo =;
List<Stock_Entry__c> stockEntryList = new List<Stock_Entry__c>();
Stock_Entry__c sec1 = new Stock_Entry__c();
sec1.Virtual_Bin_Designation__c = 'test';
sec1.units_Entry__c = 1;
sec1.item__c = sitem.Id;
sec1.status__c = 'In hand';
sec1.aisle__c = 'a';
sec1.section__c = 2;
sec1.shelf__c = 'a';
sec1.Last_Record__c = True;
sec1.Effective_Start_Date__c = oneMonthAgo; 
sec1.Effective_End_Date__c = NULL;
sec1.units_in_stock__c = 1;

Stock_Entry__c sec2 = new Stock_Entry__c();
sec2.Virtual_Bin_Designation__c = 'test';
sec2.units_Entry__c = 1;
sec2.item__c = sitem.Id;
sec2.status__c = 'In hand';
sec2.aisle__c = 'a';
sec2.section__c = 2;
sec2.shelf__c = 'a';
sec2.Last_Record__c = True;
sec2.Effective_Start_Date__c = oneMonthAgo;
sec2.Effective_End_Date__c = NULL;
sec2.units_in_stock__c = 2;

Stock_Entry__c sec3 = new Stock_Entry__c();
sec3.Virtual_Bin_Designation__c = 'test';
sec3.units_Entry__c = 1;
sec3.item__c = sitem.Id;
sec3.status__c = 'In hand';
sec3.aisle__c = 'a';
sec3.section__c = 2;
sec3.shelf__c = 'a';
sec3.Last_Record__c = True;
sec3.Effective_Start_Date__c = oneMonthAgo;
sec3.Effective_End_Date__c = NULL;
sec3.units_in_stock__c =3;

insert stockEntryList;

Moreover the batch will run only once as explained by Phil, so the amount of created Master_Inventory__c records will be exactly the same as the Stock_Entry__c records collected by the start method, therefore the actual assert is wrong (you create 3 Stock Entry records, but you expect 6 Master Inventory records).
It should be:

Integer expectedRecords = [SELECT COUNT() FROM Stock_Entry__c];
System.assertEquals(expectedRecords, [SELECT COUNT() FROM Master_Inventory__c], 'There are not ' expectedRecords + ' records');

The way you added a variable to the query used in the Database.getQueryLocator is already fine.
start, execute and finish are instance methods, so they can see instance variables.

Anyway since you aren't using a dynamic query, you should prefer inline queries in the start method. This way if you mistype a field, you won't be able to deploy the class, while using a query string will lead to a runtime error. Moreover with inline queries you bind variable field.


unlike inline SOQL, dynamic SOQL can’t use bind variable fields in the query string.

I.E. Not Allowed (results in a "Variable does not exist" error)

MyCustomObject__c myVariable = new MyCustomObject__c(field1__c ='TestField');
Database.getQueryLocator('SELECT Id FROM MyCustomObject__c WHERE field1__c = :myVariable.field1__c');


MyCustomObject__c myVariable = new MyCustomObject__c(field1__c ='TestField');
Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id FROM MyCustomObject__c WHERE field1__c = :myVariable.field1__c]);
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