OpenDirect deep link not working for push notifications


We are managing push notifications for both Android and iOS via Salesforce Marketing Cloud SDK for React Native.

We have set up deep linking within the app and tested it. The app opens a deep link correctly if you just type it in the browser. Example:

 app://campaign/{campaignId} in the browser would redirect to a correct campaign within our native app.

When we enable OpenDirect for push notifications within SMC and send the exact same url then after you click a notification on a physical device it only opens the default page of native app (rather than a specific campaign in this case).

Is there something im missing in the setup?

Thank you for your help

Best Answer

Turns out that push notifications are not designed to be "links". Each push notification can carry its own data. You have to listen for them in the code and react to their payload accordingly (for example by rerouting the user if the push notification carries a deep link).

Case closed.

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