Pass Elements into Named Slots – Nothing Rendered



Trying to build a reusable component that I can pass components (lightning-button(s) for example) into.

Troubleshooting Attempted

ParentComponent (.html)

     <slot name="header"></slot>
     <slot name="footer"></slot>

ChildComponent (.html)

     <div slot="header">
          <lightning-button label="Header Button 1"></lightning-button>
          <lightning-button label="Header Button 2"></lightning-button>
     <div slot="footer">
          <lightning-button label="Footer Button 1"></lightning-button>
          <lightning-button label="Footer Button 2"></lightning-button>

Best Answer

Our issue was we had a <lightning-card> component wrapping the child component that interfered with the slots (not shown in the original question). Went down a rabbit hole thinking named slots and unnamed slots worked different with elements vs. text content, which was NOT the case. They both take in elements the same way.

<lightning-card> natively has slots and use of slots in the card failed to pass it up.

The above code works as sdfcfox mentioned:

ParentComponent (.html)

     <slot name="header"></slot>
     <slot name="footer"></slot>

ChildComponent (.html)

     <div slot="header">
          <lightning-button label="Header Button 1"></lightning-button>
          <lightning-button label="Header Button 2"></lightning-button>
     <div slot="footer">
          <lightning-button label="Footer Button 1"></lightning-button>
          <lightning-button label="Footer Button 2"></lightning-button>