Apex – How to Process Papa Parse Results in Apex Class



I want to parse CSV files with papa parse in apex. I have a lwc to upload the file and a custom apex class to massage the data and insert results to custom object. My question is what do I pass to my apex class for my csvData parameter? A string array? Array of objects? I can't figure it out.

Here is the method that sends the data to my apex class from my lwc:

onchange(event) {
        [...event.target.files].forEach(file => {
            Papa.parse(file, {
                header: true,
                complete: (results) => {
                    this._rows = results.data;
                    this.loading = false;
                        csvData: results.data,
                        .then(result => {
                        .catch((error) => {
                error: (error) => {
                    this.loading = false;

And this is my apex class:

public with sharing class csvUploadHandler {
//what am i suppose to pass here for csvData? array of strings? Array of sObject? 
    public static void processData(String[] csvData){ 
        for(String ln : csvData){


Best Answer

From your current code, Apex will be expecting a named object array, or, more formally, a List of Map objects with a String key and an Object value:

public static void processData(List<Map<String, Object>> csvData) { 

Or, if the CSV conforms to a type of wrapper object:

public static void processData(List<wrapper> csvData) {

Or, with some extra massaging, you can even pass in records:

    csvData: results.data.map(data => ({ sobjectType: 'Account', ...data }),


public static void processData(Account[] csvData) {

Realistically, the options are pretty much unlimited, you just need to make the data agree on each end.

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