Records not appearing on account dataTable


I am not able to pull any of the related records to the account dataTable. I want to see the related records for Trade_Lanes__c on the data table, but nothing shows up. Below is my code.

Apex Controller:

public with sharing class AccountRelatedObj {
public static List<Trade_Lane__c> getContactsRelatedToAccount(String accId) {
    system.debug('accId >> ' + accId);
    return [SELECT Name, Annual_Ocean_Volume__c,Annual_Air_Volume_kg__c, Annual_Road_Volume_cbm__c from Trade_Lane__c where AccountId__c = :accId];


    <lightning-card title="LWC Record Id Example ">
        <lightning-datatable data={TradeLanes} columns={columns} key-field="Id">


import { LightningElement, track, wire, api } from 'lwc';
import getContactsRelatedToAccount from 
export default class AccountRelatedContacts extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;
    @track TradeLanes;
    @track columns = [
        { label: 'Name', fieldName: 'name' },
        { label: 'Ocean Volume', fieldName: 'annual_ocean_volume__c' },
        { label: 'Air Volume', fieldName: 'annual_air_volume_kg__c'},
        { label: 'Road Volume', fieldName: 'annual_road_volume_cmb__c'},


    @wire(getContactsRelatedToAccount, {accId: '$recordId'}) 
    WireContactRecords({error, data}){
            this.contacts = data;
            this.error = undefined;
            this.error = error;
            this.contacts = undefined;

Best Answer

Two things, here. First, you're assigning to this.contacts, which is the wrong variable. Secondly, JavaScript is cAsE-sEnSiTiVe. I suspect you're not seeing your data because the fieldName properties are all lowercase. You can, and should, import the field names to avoid case sensitivity problems.

As a side note, you're not translating the data in your wire handler, so you may as well just get rid of it.

import { LightningElement, wire, api } from "lwc";
import getContactsRelatedToAccount from "@salesforce/apex/AccountRelatedObj.getContactsRelatedToAccount";
import TRADE_LANE_NAME from "@salesforce/schema/Trade_Lane__c.Name";
import TRADE_LANE_ANNUAL_OCEAN_VOLUME from "@salesforce/schema/Trade_Lane__c.Annual_Ocean_Volume__c";
import TRADE_LANE_ANNUAL_AIR_VOLUME_KG from "@salesforce/schema/Trade_Lane__c.Annual_Air_Volume_KG__c";
import TRADE_LANE_ANNUAL_ROAD_VOLUME_CMB from "@salesforce/schema/Trade_Lane__c.Annual_ROAD_Volume_CMB__c";

export default class AccountRelatedContacts extends LightningElement {
  @api recordId;
  columns = [
    { label: "Name", fieldName: TRADE_LANE_NAME.fieldApiName },
      label: "Ocean Volume",
      fieldName: TRADE_LANE_ANNUAL_OCEAN_VOLUME.fieldApiName,
      label: "Air Volume",
      fieldName: TRADE_LANE_ANNUAL_AIR_VOLUME_KG.fieldApiName,
      label: "Road Volume",
      fieldName: TRADE_LANE_ANNUAL_ROAD_VOLUME_CMB.fieldApiName,
  @wire(getContactsRelatedToAccount, { accId: "$recordId" }) TradeLanes;
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