[SalesForce] Accessing Chatter API in Communities

I'm Having trouble accessing the Chatter API in the context of a community. Mainly, we have a certain type of user that only has access as a user of a SalesForce community we are using to act as an Identity Provider.

We have enabled 'Allow API Access' on the user profile, and the community seems to have chatter enabled. However, calling an API endpoint like https://.force.com/services/data/v36.0/connect/communities/internal/chatter/users with a Bearer token returns the following

403: Forbidden 
  "message": "The Chatter Connect API is not enabled for this organization or user type."
  "errorCode": "API_DISABLED_FOR_ORG"

Does anyone have any ideas on what I could be missing

Best Answer

See the documentation for Connecting to Salesforce Communities

You need to do the following, both when authenticating and accessing /chatter/users:

your communities custom domain name can be found by viewing the Communities Settings Page, which you can search for in the setup menu

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