[SalesForce] Add workflow rule criteria to update checkbox if text field was last edited more than 6 months ago

I need to check last edited date as part of rule criteria on a custom field.

I need the workflow rule to check when the field was last populated – if it was updated (with text) more than 6 months ago a checkbox will need to be selected automatically. I'm ok with the last bit – I just don't know what criteria/ options to select for the first bit – does SF record when the field was populated?

EDIT: Added the following rule:

AND(NOT( ISBLANK( general_note__c ) ),ISCHANGED( general_note__c ))

but still cant work out how to add the 6 months criteria to it…

Best Answer

Create an additional field to track the last time the field was changed, Time/date update Field 1. Anytime Field1__c is changed you'll need to update the corresponding Time/date update Field 1.

When you do your check for field1, you'll need to include the time/date field. Therefore check for:

isChange(field1) && (Now() - Time/date update Field 1) > 180)

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