[SalesForce] AMPScript for REST API call in landing page

I'm trying to call REST API to display a push message that is sent from Marketing Cloud in landing page.

How do I call the API? I was able to get the Token using the client secret and ID but how to pass the token to the REST push message call.

How to pass the Authorization : Bearer TOKEN to the httpget call?

VAR @httppost,@apiid,@apistatusCode,@apiresponse,@apitoken
SET @apiid = '{"clientId": "xxxxxxxxxxxx","clientSecret": "xxxxxxxxx"}'
SET @httppost = HTTPPost2("https://auth.exacttargetapis.com/v1/requestToken","application/json",@apiid,false,@apistatusCode,@apiresponse)
SET @apitoken = Substring(@apistatusCode,17,24)

VAR @httpgetmessage, @apiid,@apistatusCode2,@apiresponsemessage

SET @httppostmessage = HTTPGet("https://auth.exacttargetapis.com/v1/message/xxxxxxxx", headers = {"Authorization":"Bearer " + @apitoken,@apiresponsemessage})

%%=(@apitoken)=%% // This is printing my response token from the rest call


Best Answer

I've seen it done this way. May not be the exact call for your case, but the structure would be similar.


  VAR @auth,@url,@returnCode,@response,@regex,@accessToken,@mobileNumber,@shortCode,@message,@QueueMO
  set @mobileNumber = "19135551212"
  set @shortCode = "99999"
  set @message = "STOP"
  SET @auth = '{"clientId":"xxxxxxxxxxxx","clientSecret":"xxxxxxxxxxxx"}'
  SET @url = 'https://auth.exacttargetapis.com/v1/requestToken'
  SET @returnCode = HTTPPOST(@url,"application/json",@auth,@response)
  outputline(concat("<br>returnCode:", @returnCode))

  IF @returnCode = =  200 THEN
      SET @regex = '^{"accessToken":"(.*)",.*$'
      SET @accessToken = REGEXMATCH(@response,@regex,1)
      outputline(concat("<br>accessToken:", @accessToken))
      SET @QueueMO = CONCAT('{"mobileNumbers":["',@mobileNumber,'"],"ShortCode":',@shortCode,',"MessageText":"',@message,'"}')
      SET @url = CONCAT("https://www.exacttargetapis.com/sms/v1/QueueMO/?access_token = ",@accessToken)
      SET @returnCode = HTTPPOST(@url,"application/json",@QueueMO,@response)
      outputline(concat("<br>returnCode:", @returnCode))
