[SalesForce] AMPscript LookUpRows error

I'm having an issue when I try to load dynamically content into an email using LookupRows function from AMPscript in ExactTarget (Salesforce). Maybe you can help. Appreciate it.

I have a LookupRows data extension where I have a list of ContentAreaIDs which I try to load into my email HTML using %%=ContentArea(@ContentAreaXX)=%% (XX = a number from 1-13, I have 13 content areas to load into email).

This is what I did step by step:
1. setting up 13 content areas with the content to be pulled in (HTML type content areas)
2. copying the ContentAreaID from each of those 13 and adding to the LookupRows data extension
3. calling the content areas in my HTML code like this %%=ContentArea(@ContentAreaXX)=%%

When I try to preview in ET I receive this error:
Unable to generate preview
A scripting error has occurred.
Invalid value specified for function parameter.
Function Name: ContentArea
Parameter Name: ContentID
Parameter Ordinal: 1
Parameter Type: Numeric
Submitted Value:

These are the data extensions used (one for send, another for the LookupRows):

Can you point me to what I'm doing wrong?

This is the HTML:

Var @card_type, @Row, @rows, @ac, @au, @ea, @se, @ContentArea1, @ContentArea2, @ContentArea3, @ContentArea4, @ContentArea5, @ContentArea6, @ContentArea7, @ContentArea8, @ContentArea9, @ContentArea10, @ContentArea11, @ContentArea12, @ContentArea13

SET @card_type = [CARD_TYPE]
SET @ac = [AC]
SET @au = [AU]
SET @ea = [EA]
SET @se = [SE]

IF Not Empty(@card_type) THEN
SET @rows = LookupRows("forum-lookup-rows - 1","card_type", [CARD_TYPE])

IF RowCount(@rows) > 0 THEN
SET @rows = Row(@rows,1)
SET @ContentArea1 = Field(@rows,"ContentArea1")
SET @ContentArea2 = Field(@rows,"ContentArea2")
SET @ContentArea3 = Field(@rows,"ContentArea3")
SET @ContentArea4 = Field(@rows,"ContentArea4")
SET @ContentArea5 = Field(@rows,"ContentArea5")
SET @ContentArea6 = Field(@rows,"ContentArea6")
SET @ContentArea11 = Field(@rows,"ContentArea11")

IF @ac == 'n' THEN
SET @ContentArea7 = Field(@row,"ContentArea7")
ELSEIF @ea == 'n' THEN
SET @ContentArea8 = Field(@row,"ContentArea8")
ELSEIF @au == 'n' THEN
SET @ContentArea9 = Field(@row,"ContentArea9")
SET @ContentArea12 = Field(@row,"ContentArea12")
/*ELSEIF @au == 'y' THEN
SET @ContentArea13 = Field(@row,"ContentArea13")*/
ELSEIF @se == 'n' THEN
SET @ContentArea10 = Field(@row,"ContentArea10")


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<custom name="opencounter" type="tracking">

Best Answer

First, I'd move the retrieval inside your @card_type conditional and output each @contentArea value. Like this:

Var @card_type, @Row, @rows, @ac, @au, @ea, @se, @ContentArea1, @ContentArea2, @ContentArea3, @ContentArea4, @ContentArea5, @ContentArea6, @ContentArea7, @ContentArea8, @ContentArea9, @ContentArea10, @ContentArea11, @ContentArea12, @ContentArea13

SET @card_type = [CARD_TYPE]
SET @ac = [AC]
SET @au = [AU]
SET @ea = [EA]
SET @se = [SE]

IF Not Empty(@card_type) THEN

    SET @rows = LookupRows("forum-lookup-rows - 1","card_type", [CARD_TYPE])

    IF RowCount(@rows) > 0 THEN

        SET @row = Row(@rows,1)
        SET @ContentArea1 = Field(@row,"ContentArea1")
        SET @ContentArea2 = Field(@row,"ContentArea2")
        SET @ContentArea3 = Field(@row,"ContentArea3")
        SET @ContentArea4 = Field(@row,"ContentArea4")
        SET @ContentArea5 = Field(@row,"ContentArea5")
        SET @ContentArea6 = Field(@row,"ContentArea6")
        SET @ContentArea11 = Field(@row,"ContentArea11")

        IF @ac == 'n' THEN
            SET @ContentArea7 = Field(@row,"ContentArea7")
        ELSEIF @ea == 'n' THEN
            SET @ContentArea8 = Field(@row,"ContentArea8")
        ELSEIF @au == 'n' THEN
            SET @ContentArea9 = Field(@row,"ContentArea9")
            SET @ContentArea12 = Field(@row,"ContentArea12")
        /*ELSEIF @au == 'y' THEN
        SET @ContentArea13 = Field(@row,"ContentArea13")*/
        ELSEIF @se == 'n' THEN
            SET @ContentArea10 = Field(@row,"ContentArea10")



@card_type: %%=v(@card_type)=%%<br>
@ac: %%=v(@ac)=%%<br>
@au: %%=v(@au)=%%<br>
@ea: %%=v(@ea)=%%<br>
@se: %%=v(@se)=%%<br><br>
@ContentArea1: %%=v(@ContentArea1)=%%<br>
@ContentArea2: %%=v(@ContentArea2)=%%<br>
@ContentArea3: %%=v(@ContentArea3)=%%<br>
@ContentArea4: %%=v(@ContentArea4)=%%<br>
@ContentArea5: %%=v(@ContentArea5)=%%<br>
@ContentArea6: %%=v(@ContentArea6)=%%<br>
@ContentArea11: %%=v(@ContentArea11)=%%<br><br>
@ContentArea7: %%=v(@ContentArea7)=%%<br>
@ContentArea8: %%=v(@ContentArea8)=%%<br>
@ContentArea9: %%=v(@ContentArea9)=%%<br>
@ContentArea12: %%=v(@ContentArea12)=%%<br>
@ContentArea10: %%=v(@ContentArea10)=%%<br>

For any @ContentArea* field that's empty the email's going to blow up. You'll either need to have some default content for those or conditionally display alternate content in the body of the email. You might utilize an iif() function -- like this:

%%=iif(empty(@ContentArea1),"not found", ContentArea(@ContentArea1))=%%  
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