[SalesForce] Apex Batch jobs logs

I am running a batch job in my Sandbox from execute anonymous. When I create an object of the apex batch class and use database.executebatch(obj,50); I can run the apex class which does the batch process and open up a log in developer console. However I can see logs related to start() method of the batch class. I do not see logs related to what happened in execute() and finish() method. Where should I look for these log files if I am executing batch manually instead of using scheduler job.

Best Answer

You should be able to see in same place. Batch jobs are asynchronous so, it may take some time depending on system load. It create separate file for execute and finish call.

Also make sure that you have setup debug logs for current logged use in Monitoring > Debug Logs.

With winter'16 you need to set up "User Trace Flags" with debug level for apex:DEBUG, system:DEBUG to see logs.

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