[SalesForce] Apex trigger needs access to parent object fields

I have the following Apex Trigger that is set to auto-create a custom child object (Onboarding) when a specific field on the opportunity child object (Stage) is set to Closed Won. This trigger is working as I want it to but I now need to have it carry additional fields of data from both the account parent object and from the opportunity child object.

Where in this trigger would I append lines for carrying data over and how is it written out in this formatting? To make the answer more straight forward, lets say I want the name of the Onboarding page to be the same as the name of the Opportunity and the field from the Account object (Billing_Address) to carry over to the Onboarding object under its field for billing address.

trigger CreateOB on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
    Onboarding__c[] inserts = new Onboarding__c[] {};
    for (Opportunity a : Trigger.new) {
        if (a.StageName == 'Closed Won') {
            Opportunity old = Trigger.oldMap.get(a.Id);
            if (a.StageName != old.StageName) {
                inserts.add(new Onboarding__c(Account_Name__c = a.AccountId));
    insert inserts;

Thanks in advance! Any and all help is greatly appreciated while still getting the ropes of these triggers.

Best Answer

Information not directly on the Opportunity is not automatically available so you have two options...

One: Create formula fields on the Opportunity to get the information from Account then simply use those fields to directly populate the info on the new on boarding record.

Two: Or via code - Querying for the Opportunity and related Account fields:

trigger CreateOB on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
    Onboarding__c[] inserts = new Onboarding__c[] {};
    for (Opportunity o : [
            Select StageName, Name, AccountID, Account.BillingStreet
            From Opportunity
            Where ID IN :trigger.new
            ])) {
        if (o.StageName == 'Closed Won') {
            Opportunity old = Trigger.oldMap.get(o.Id);
            if (o.StageName != old.StageName) {
                inserts.add(new Onboarding__c(
                        Account_Name__c = o.AccountId,
                        Name = o.Name,
                        BillingAddress__c = o.Account.BillingStreet
    insert inserts;
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