[SalesForce] Apex/Visualforce: multiline IF statement in HTML

Can I write a multiline if statement in Apex/Visualforce HTML?

Something like (definitely pseudocode):

<apex if (condition)>
  <strong>This HTML.</strong>
<apex else>
  <strong>This is the false HTML.</strong>
<apex end>


It seems like the answers here don't work, i.e. neither this:

<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IF(Lead.Credit__c > 0)}">

Nor this work:

<apex:variable var="v" value="1" rendered="{!IF(Lead.Credit__c > 0)}">

Does it have to be a boolean value?

Best Answer

Use like below

<apex:outputtext value="!IF(ISNULL(Eslot.sEvent), 'Free', IF(Eslot.sEvent.Appointment_Type__c == 'Personal', 'Pers', 'Fill'))}"/>


<apex:outputPanel rendered = "{! If(m.Name=='sai' ,true,false) }">
<apex:outputPanel rendered = "{! If(m.Name=='sam' ,true,false) }">
<apex:outputPanel rendered = "{! If(m.Name=='test1' ,true,false) }">

Addition to above

If you are using html elements and want to hide based on conditions

<div style= "display: {!If(m.Name=='sai' ,'none','') }">
<div  style= "display: {! If(m.Name=='sam' ,'none','') }">
</div >
<div  rendered = "display:{! If(m.Name=='test1' ,'none','') }">
</div >
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