[SalesForce] Apex:CommandButton sending data to controller

I'm trying to create a visual force page with a table and a "request" button that will take the selected row and append it as a task.

Here's a photo of the table:

enter image description here

When a user hits request, I want to create a task that includes the deal name and deal owner.

Here is the VF page:

<apex:page controller="A7_OppsCntrl" standardStylesheets="false" sidebar="false">   

        <table id= 'a7Table' class='display'>
                    <th>Deal Name</th>
                    <th>Deal Owner</th>
           <apex:repeat value="{!A7Opps}" var="row">
                   <apex:repeat value="{!A7Opps[row]}" var="cell">
                       <td> {!cell} </td>
                       <apex:commandButton action="{!send2Admin}" value="Request" title="Send Request to Admin" oncomplete="" reRender="block">
                           <apex:param value="{!A7Opps[row]}" assignTo="{!paramValue}"/>

Here is the controller:

Global With Sharing class A7_OppsCntrl {

    string paramValue;

public void setParamValue(string paramValue){
        this.paramValue = paramValue;

    public void send2Admin(){

        user adminId = [SELECT id from user where name like 'Sir Admin' limit 1];
        string userId = toolbox.grabUserId(); //Grabs context user ID
        user userName = [SELECT name from user where id = :userId];

        task leadReq = new task();
        leadReq.OwnerId = adminId.id;
        leadReq.Subject = 'New Request';
        leadReq.Description = userName.name+' is requesting '+this.paramValue;

The task is successfully inserted, but the paramValue comes up as null.

What am I doing incorrectly (probably a lot ;)? How can I get the row data to be appended to the description of the task?

I've tried following this https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/ForumsMain?id=906F000000095uXIAQ.

Didn't help me.


UPDATE: It might be helpful to see how the A7Opps mapping works:

public static Map<string, list<string>> getA7Opps(){

        List<List<String>> parsedCSV = new List<List<String>>();
        Map<string, list<string>> A7Opps = new Map<string, list<string>>();
        Map<string, list<string>> userA7Opps = new Map<string, list<string>>();

        String fileString = getCSVFromDocs('A7Opps');
        parsedCSV = toolbox.csv2List(fileString, '\\|');
        for (List<String> row : parsedCSV){
          A7Opps.put(row[0], row);

        list<string> targetIDs = new list<string>();
        string userId = toolbox.grabUserId(); 
        list<deal__c> dealOriginator = [SELECT name, Deal_number__c, owner.id, owner.name 
                                        FROM deal__c 
                                        WHERE owner.id in :targetIDs AND Deal_number__c in :A7Opps.keySet()];

        for(deal__c deal:dealOriginator){
            userA7Opps.put(deal.Deal_Number__c, A7Opps.get(deal.Deal_Number__c));   
        return userA7Opps;

I've updated the controller code to:

 public String paramValue {get; set;}

    public static void send2Admin(){

        user adminId = [SELECT id from user where name like 'Sir Admin' limit 1];
        string userId = toolbox.grabUserId();
        user userName = [SELECT name from user where id = :userId];

        task leadReq = new task();
        leadReq.OwnerId = adminId.id;
        leadReq.Subject = 'New Lead Request';
        leadReq.Description = userName.name+' is requesting '+ paramValue; //this doesn't work


paramValue cannot be referenced in the method send2Admin(), the var doesn't exist…

Best Answer

Try changing

string paramValue;

to this

public String paramValue {get; set;}

and completely removing

public void setParamValue(string paramValue){
    this.paramValue = paramValue;

also add a "name" attribute to your tag like so

<apex:param name="whatever" value="{!a7Opps[row]}" assignTo="{!paramValue}" />