[SalesForce] Apex:param not sending parameter in actionFunction

I have an actionfunction called from JavaScript


I have the actionFunction tag:

         <apex:form id="content" >

              <apex:actionfunction name="attach_file" action="{!AttachFile}" reRender="">
                  <apex:param name="inputparam" value="" /> 


and in the controller i am waiting for the parameter, but i get 'null'

public pagereference AttachFile(){
        String input_param = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('inputparam');


      return null;

I have tried reRendering to none, # and it still does not work, I have tried displaying all the parameters received in the debug log and the 'inputparam' does not appear at all. I've tried setting the value to a global variable in the controller and it sets to null.

Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you

Best Answer

I have had mixed luck doing it like that (probably my own fault). However I know this works (string values):

public string paramValue {get;set;}

public pagereference AttachFile(){


      return null;

and the page

<apex:actionfunction name="attach_file" action="{!AttachFile}" reRender="">
                  <apex:param name="inputparam" value="" assignTo="{!paramValue}"/> 

Update: Complete Example


public class myExample{

    public string paramValue {get;set;}
    public void debugValue(){



<apex:page controller="myExample">


    function callmethod(){


    <apex:form >
        <apex:actionFunction name="doit" action="{!debugValue}" rerender="">
            <apex:param value="" name="exampleParam" assignTo="{!paramValue}"/>
        <button onclick="callmethod(); return false;">Click Me</button>



13:27:43.0 (407024)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|066290000008kMK|VF: /apex/myexample 13:27:43.0 (1192401)|VF_DESERIALIZE_VIEWSTATE_BEGIN|066290000008kMK


13:27:43.0 (8326868)|SYSTEM_MODE_ENTER|true

13:27:43.0 (9547780)|USER_DEBUG|[7]|DEBUG|test_value

So start from here and add your own code till it breaks. Then you will know what went wrong