[SalesForce] Auto-selecting Record Type with Flow

I want to ask the users several questions using Flow screen when they begin creating a record in order to determine which Record Type should be used. I would do this by using a button which calls a VF page with an embedded Flow and automatically populating the RecordTypeID according to their answers.

However, if I have multiple Record Types I will be prompted to manually choose a Record Type before the Flow screens begin after pressing the New button. How can I bypass the Record Type selection step to go directly to the Flow screen and then populate the Record Type field through the Flow ?

Best Answer

You can override the standard new button with your visualforce page, and check the 'skip record type selection page' checkbox.

This will bypass the record type selection and take you to the flow.

sample override new contact button

Here is some info on overriding the standard button https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.pages.meta/pages/pages_controller_customize_override.htm