[SalesForce] Avoid hitting SOQL Limits but know that I was about to hit them

I want to avoid hitting the org's governor limits but at the same time I need to know if I was about to hit them. Here's what I have so far:

    SELECT convertCurrency(Price__c)
    FROM Object__c
    LIMIT :(Limits.getLimitQueryRows() - Limits.getQueryRows())

So this will save me from hitting the limits but it will not tell me that I was going to hit them.

Basically the case I am talking about is when the query LIMIT is 50k and the records are 50k. If Limits.getQueryRows() is 50k it doesn't necessarily mean that a limit would have been hit. But if the records are 50001 I want to know this so I can display an error on the page for the user.

I was thinking about using Count() somehow but not sure how I can achieve what I want. I am also trying to incorporate the solution without making an additional query.

Best Answer

The way I see it, you have two options here:

  1. Display your message whenever you end up with 0 remaining query rows available.
  2. Write a batch that will store the number of records that object contains in a Hierarchy Custom Setting.

Either way, it will probably simplify repeated references to add a helper method:

public static Integer getRemainingQueryRows()
    return Limits.getLimitQueryRows() - Limits.getQueryRows();

For Option 1 your solution would simply look like:

someList = [
    SELECT convertCurrency(Price__c) FROM MyObject__c LIMIT :getRemainingQueryRows()
isQueryLimitConsumed = (0 == getRemainingQueryRows());

For Option 2 your current implementation would change to look more like:

isQueryComplete = MySetting__c.MyObjectCount__c > getRemainingQueryRows();
someList = [/*query*/];