[SalesForce] Call a report with apex for Visualforce

I would like create a visualforce page which call a custom report.
I find that it's possible for chart :

<analytics:reportChart reportId=”00Oxxxxxxxxxxxx”></analytics:reportChart>

Is existing the same thing in order to load a custom report easily ?
Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

If you are planning to embed a chart from an existing report into a Visualforce Page, here is an example from Salesforce documentation.

Just make sure - API version is 29.0 or later. - Check that the source report has a chart in Salesforce.


These attributes are supported. https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.pages.meta/pages/pages_compref_analytics_reportChart.htm

update - @User30008,

I think embedding report data directly into VF page is not possible at this time. Also check out below thread for some workaround for a similar requirement.

reports embedded in visualforce not showing

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