[SalesForce] Callout from Apex Trigger

I have a requirement with the following functionality:

  1. Before the Opp stage gets updated to Closed-Won on ever opp I should be able to push the opp info to an external REST webservice URL as JSON format.
  2. After successfully pushed I will get a JSON response with an account Id and status message with this I need to update the Opportunity.

I was not able to look my trigger in the debug lo is something in my trigger?I'm not able to make call to the URL? How to handle the request and response and map it to the opp?

Here is the Trigger:

trigger OppUpdate on Opportunity (before insert,before update) {
    for (Opportunity Opp : Trigger.new) {
        if (Opp.StageName=='ClosedWon') {

Here is my class:

public class opptycall {@future(callout = true)
    public static void post(id opptyid) {
        //Construct HTTP request and response
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();

        //Http http = new Http();        

        //Construct Authorization and Content header
        //request.setHeader('Authorization', getBasicAuthHeader('test','test'));
        //req.setHeader('Authorization', authorizationHeader);
        req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

        //Construct Endpoint
        String endpoint = 'https://test.com';

        //Set Method and Endpoint and Body
        //json string in body 
        system.debug('Opportunity ID' + opptyid);
        Opportunity Op = [select id, Name, Stagename, Account.Name from opportunity where stagename = 'Closed-Won'
        and id = : opptyid];
        System.debug('with pretty' + JSON.serializePretty(Op));
        system.debug('without pretty' + JSON.serialize(Op));
        String JsonString = JSON.serializePretty(Op);

        Http http = new Http();
        HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
        if (response.getStatusCode() == 200) {
            JSONParser par = JSONParser.parse(response.getBody());
            System.debug('-par.message.Opportunity-' + par.message.Opportunity);
            for (JSONParser.Opportuntiy Opp: par.message.Opportuntiy) {
                Opp.add(new Opportunity(
                Id = par.message.Opportuntiy.Id,
                Status = par.message.Opportuntiy.status,
                Description = par.message.Opportuntiy.description));
                update opp Id;


Best Answer

If you care calling this trigger on a Before Insert, there is not ID for the object before insert. Before update is okay, but this won't work on before insert. You will want to do after insert.

As pointed out by someone else, you are passing in a JSON string when the opptycall.post is expecting an ID type. You can pass in Trigger.new.[0].Id. Be careful here, your code is not bulkified so this won't behave as expected when you bulkupdate.

trigger OppUpdate on Opportunity (before insert, before update) {
    for (Opportunity Opp : Trigger.new) {
        if (Opp.StageName == 'ClosedWon') {


The other thing you want to be aware of is that your code with the @future call means that the opportunity is getting updated and saved and then the callout is happening after that record is saved. Your callout is updating the opportunity after it gets a response. Small detail here, but it might help you with troubleshooting. In your log files, you'll see a FutureHandler log that looks like this. That is where you'll see the debug information:

futurehandler log file

I'm using the developerconsole to view the logs.

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