[SalesForce] Can a community user edit their own contact record

Can a community user edit their own contact record?

I've seen few question on the stack exchange it self about community user's editing their own contact record's details directly.

Somehow could't find a reference to a salesforce documentation. Could some one help me to confirm whether the community users can or cannot change their own contact record.

I found below idea explaining a workaround:

and some
sfse questions;
Community User – Edit Contact Record/Change Account
Allow contact to edit own record in customer community


Best Answer

This is not possible through the profile in my research on stack. You can read the full answer here >> Salesforce Communities - Records Access

You have to go to Setup > Digital Experiences > Settings

Once you are in there you need to create a Sharing Set. This will allow you to then Set the read write permissions and target contact for the community. enter image description here