[SalesForce] Can Lightning Email Templates call cross object merge fields

Salesforce recently released a new version of the Lightning Email Templates promising Email template editor that don't suck.

I've tried to find any documentation relating to calling the cross object formula fields e.g.


but that is not possible.
Only by doing

{{{Opportunity.Contact__c}}} (Assuming Contact__c = Lookup(Contact) in opportunity field)

The email will show only the Opportunity.Contact__r.Name

Any help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

As of Spring 21' Salesforce release version,

Cross object formula fields are not available for Lightning Email Templates

Best Workaround is to use Classic Email Templates -> Visualforce Email Templates (Text classic email template also can't expose cross object fields)

<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Lightning Email Templates are Useless" recipientType="User" relatedToType="Opportunity">

<p>Account Name : {!relatedto.Account.Name}</p>