[SalesForce] Can users upload PDFs, Word Documents, etc. into Salesforce, possibly through the Text (Rich) field

I know that by using the text(rich) input field on an sObject, users can upload images if a <apex:textarea ... richText="true"> is available on a VisualForce page. Is there a way to enable users to upload PDFs, WORD, or other full fledged files?

The standard richtext editor does not allow anything other than images. From what I have been reading on Google, I understand that the ckeditor can be used to modify the richtext editor on Salesforce. This would allow a user to add a PDF or other file. Will SalesForce accept it?

Any other ideas on how to allow a user to upload non-image files to be stored in an sObject?

Thank you!

Best Answer

There are several mechanisms that allow you to upload files into SFDC. Rich Text Area is not the proper place where you should store these (I don't think its even possible either).

  1. Attachments
  2. Documents
  3. CRM Content
    • Allows large file sizes (up to 2GB). Allows for Versioning, Libraries, Metadata, etc.
    • Does not show up directly on a record layout, but you can use Visualforce to display this on a detail record with custom code to query metadata.
    • https://login.salesforce.com/help/doc/en/content_about.htm
  4. Chatter Documents
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