[SalesForce] Cannot access the Parent field values from list and Database.query

I have a dynamic SOQL that is being generated and then I am using database.query(querystring) to store the list of sObject in the dynamic sobject list.

Here's the code :

string queryString ='SELECT id';             
        for(string s : fieldNames){
            queryString += ', '+s;
        system.debug('Case Id :'+objid);
        queryString += ' FROM ' + objName + ' WHERE id=\''+objId+'\'';

        system.debug('Query : '+queryString);

        List<sObject> results = Database.query(queryString);

this is the query it prints in dev console :

SELECT id, Case.Contact.FirstName, Case.Account.Name, Case.Account.website_active__c FROM Case WHERE id='5000R000005XydT'

the query here is for Case object but it can be any object that the query runs for. The results variable assignment looks like this:

23:11:01:062 VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT [41]|results|[{"Id":"5000R000005XydTQAS","ContactId":"0030R00000flV9jQAE","AccountId":"0010R00000YyS2lQAF","RecordTypeId":"012o0000000ttBUAAY","Contact":{"Id":"0030R00000flV9jQAE","FirstName":"Test","RecordTypeId":"012o0000000tpuTAAQ"},"Account":{"Id":"0010R00000YyS2lQAF","Website_Active__c":"www.mercermarketplac (2..

When I iterate over the results it throws and error variable not exist

for(sObject s : results){

How can I access the Contact and Account values if results is not null with list<sObject>, or can I not do that and have to make sure to declare the list with that particular sobject being queried like in this case list<case>?

I have referred to this question and , this question. But the difference is, they have requested to see fields for a specific object query always. I have a dynamic query which can be for any object, how can I retrieve those values using list<sObject>?

Best Answer

In order to get a parent sObject, you need to use getSobject, and to get a field from that, use get:

for(sObject s : results){

To do this dynamically, you'll probably want to write a generic method:

public static Object getValue(SObject record, String path) {
  try {
    SObject temp = record;
    String[] parts = path.split('\\.');
    while(parts.size() > 1) {
      temp = temp.getSObject(parts.remove(0));
    return temp.get(parts[0]);
  } catch(Exception e) {
    return null;

This code should extract a value, or null if there isn't one:

for(sObject s : results){
    system.debug(getValue(s, 'Contact.Name'));
    system.debug(getValue(s, 'Contact.Account.Name'));
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