[SalesForce] Can’t deploy reports with workbench

I've retrieved some reports from my org, made changes to them and am trying to deploy them again through workbench. Everything went well until I try to deploy my zipped directory containing the package.xml and reports folder. Every single report fails with a '…not found in zipped directory' error.

I've tried every directory name and structure I could find a reference to online, with and without singlePackage on, nothing works. The folder and reportnames are correct, case and all.

Currently the structure looks like this:

- src
    - package.xml
    - reports
        - ReportFolderDeveloperNameA
            - ReportName1.report
        - ReportFolderDeveloperNameB
            - ReportName2.report

package.xml looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">

I have no clue what's going wrong, perhaps someone else will know.

Best Answer

Turns out that all my issues were caused by not removing the '.report' part of the report name in the package.xml