[SalesForce] Can’t find apex class with invocable method in Process Builder on production org

Can't find apex class with invocable method in Process Builder on production org. On develop org it works fine.

enter image description here
Please, what can be wrong?

global class SearchObjectWhenCreate {

global class Request {
    public String objectId;
    public String searchType;

public static void searchObject(List<Request> requests) {

    SearchButtonsController searchButtonsCtrl = new SearchButtonsController();
    List<verf__VF_Search__c> listOfSearches = new List<verf__VF_Search__c>();

    if (Schema.sObjectType.VF_Search__c.fields.Id.isAccessible()){
        listOfSearches = [SELECT Id
                        FROM verf__VF_Search__c
                        WHERE Name =: requests[0].searchType
                        LIMIT 1];
        searchButtonsCtrl.vf_searchId = listOfSearches[0].Id;
        searchButtonsCtrl.strObjectId = requests[0].objectId;
        searchButtonsCtrl.isCalledFromProcessBuilder = true;
        request(searchButtonsCtrl.xmlStringxmlRes, searchButtonsCtrl.vf_searchName);

public static void request(String xmlStringxmlRes, String searchName) {
    Http httpProtocol = new Http();
    HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
    HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();
    String body = 'request=' + xmlStringxmlRes;

    String endpoint = 'https://viqzrh5hp3.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/verified_first';

    try {
            response = httpProtocol.send(request);
            parseXMLResponce(response.getBody(), searchName);
    } catch(System.CalloutException e) {

Best Answer

From documentation:

An invocable method can be public in a managed package, but it won’t appear as an action in the Cloud Flow Designer’s list of available actions while building or editing a flow. These invocable actions can still be referred to by flows within the same managed package. Global invocable methods in a managed package can be used in flows outside the managed package, anywhere in the organization, and appear in the Cloud Flow Designer’s list of available actions to add to a flow.

So with global invocable methods and global invocable variables all works on production. Solution was found. Thanks to all!