[SalesForce] Can’t install managed package because packaged permission set seems to have lost a read permission

I developed a Managed Extension Package. When I try to install it or create a patch org for it, this fails with no error but the note to call Salesforce.

Support told me that it fails due to:

MyPermissionSet: Permission Create MyNamespace__MyChildObject__c depends on  
permission(s): Read ExtendedPackageNamespace__MyParentObject__c

From the error message it seems like the permission set is unable to assign a CREATE permission to a Master/Detail child object, because it misses a READ permission on its parent object.

BUT this is not true. MyPermissionSet contains READ access rights to this object. While packaging or installing this seems to get lost or ignored.

Can the reason for this be, that the parent object it is depending on, is no from my package but the package I am extending?

Best Answer

I'm a product manager at salesforce.com responsible for Permission Sets. I was able to reproduce this use case. We do intentionally block the setting of parent permissions if it's a standard object (Kibitzer is totally correct with this). I'm working through this use case with my team since this use case is directly related to a custom object from the base package instead of a standard object. Please stay tuned. Thanks for your patience!

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