[SalesForce] Can’t seem to pass param from VF page into the Controller

I want to pass a parameter from my VF page into a method in controller.


<div id="output_table">

     <apex:form >
        <div onclick="Attach.showDeleteConfirmDialog('deleteConfirmDialog{!attach.id}')" class="del_link"></div>

          <div id="deleteConfirmDialog{!attach.id}" style="display: none;"
                            title="Deleting {!attach.name}">
                            <apex:outputText value="Are you sure?" />

    <apex:form >
        <apex:actionFunction name="doActualDeleteAttachment" action="{!deleteAttachment}" rerender="output_table"></apex:actionFunction>
        <apex:param name="attachmentToDeleteParam" value="00Pd000000AcDf1" assignTo="{!selectedAttachmentId}" />            


So I've hardcoded the value for test purposes.


public String selectedAttachmentId {get; set;}

public PageReference deleteAttachment() {
    Attachment attachment = getSelectedAttachment();
    delete attachment;
    return null;

private Attachment getSelectedAttachment() {
    return [SELECT Id FROM Attachment WHERE Id=:selectedAttachmentId];

If I simply hardcode an Id into getSelectedAttachment(), it works fine so as far as I can tell, the problem is with the param not being passed into the controller.

        var Attach = (function() {

            function showDeleteConfirmDialog(id) {

                jQuery('#' + id).dialog({
                    resizable : false,
                    modal : true,
                    buttons : {
                        'Yes' : function() {
                            return true;
                        'No' : function() {
                            return false;
            return {
                showDeleteConfirmDialog : showDeleteConfirmDialog


Would anyone have any suggestions?


After messing with the code for a while, I realised I was passing


into the controller, not just


So the following code now works!

<div onclick="Attach.showDeleteConfirmDialog('deleteConfirmDialog{!attach.id}', '{!attach.Id}')" class="del_link"></div> <--EXTRA ID CALL


        var Attach = (function() {

            function showDeleteConfirmDialog(id, attachId) <--EXTRA ID VARIABLE{

                jQuery('#' + id).dialog({
                    resizable : false,
                    modal : true,
                    buttons : {
                        'Yes' : function() {
                            doActualDeleteAttachment(Id); <--INCORRECT ID
                            doActualDeleteAttachment(attachId); <--CORRECT ID
                            return true;
                        'No' : function() {
                            return false;
            return {
                showDeleteConfirmDialog : showDeleteConfirmDialog


Best Answer

The problem with your code is that the apex:param is outside of the apex:actionFunction. Other code looks ok, but it is uclear what changes you have made on it. So i will post here a working example of passing parameter. Try to modify your code based on this template:


public with sharing class MyController {
    public String passedParam { get; set; }
    public MyController(){
        // It is important to initialize a string here
        passedParam = '';

    // This method just outputs the passed value
    public void checkParam(){
        System.debug('### passedParam: ' + passedParam);

Visualforce Page:

<apex:page controller="test2">

    <!-- Only one form tag for all components -->

        <apex:actionFunction name="sendParam" action="{!checkParam}" reRender="none">
            <apex:param name="p1" assignTo="{!passedParam}" value=""/>

        <a href="#" onclick="sendParam('someString')">Send it</a>



Debug output:

USER_DEBUG|[43]|DEBUG|### passedParam: someString