[SalesForce] Change value with javascript

I have the following:

<apex:column headerValue="Contact" headerClass="ct" >

    <apex:inputField value="{!c.Contactid}" id="inputField"/>
    <apex:inputHidden id="hdnField" value="{!contactId}" />

    <apex:commandLink value="+" styleClass="btn" style="color:red;font-size:15px;"  onclick="setVar();" action="{!updateCase}" >

        <apex:param name="caseId"
                    assignTo="{!caseId}" />

        <apex:param name="contactId"
                    assignTo="{!contactId}" />                            



I'm trying to set the apex:param with the name contactId to the value of my apex:inputHidden field so I can pass that value to my controller when I click the command button. inputHidden is set correctly, but I can't work out how to link the param to the inputHidden value attribute?

Does anybody have any ideas?

Best Answer

If you are setting the value of the input field, when the ajax post happens due to the click on the link, the value of contact ID will be as it is in the hidden field, so you do not need the param since you have the input hidden field as the setter will set it when the ajax post is made.

Below is an example


public class xmyTest{

 public string contactID {get;set;}

 public void showExample(){

   system.debug(logginglevel.error,'The value of Contact ID IS: ' + contactID);



<apex:page controller="xmyTest">

<apex:includeScript value="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"/>


function setVal(){




<apex:form >

<apex:inputHidden id="hideMe" value="{!contactid}"/>

<apex:commandlink value="+" onclick="setVal();" action="{!showExample}" />




01:31:15.026 (26306325)|USER_DEBUG|[9]|ERROR|The value of Contact ID IS: 12345