[SalesForce] Checking ‘Correct’ Previous value method in Trigger design best practice

One of the most common questions on this forum is around trigger recursion. There are a few standard ways to prevent recursion. My method of choice when it comes to checking for field changes, is Dan Appleman's 'Correct' old Value method found in Chapter 6 of his book Advanced Apex Programming. I have used it many times and like the concept.

My question revolves around how to use it correctly and most efficiently in an org with multiple complex pieces of separate logic within a single trigger. Let's say I have the simple Trigger Framework shown below


trigger OpportunityTrigger on Opportunity (after delete, after insert, after undelete, after update, before delete, before insert, before update) {

    //Other Scenarios (Before insert, before update, etc.)

    if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate){
          OpportunityTriggerHandler.OppAfterUpdate(trigger.new, trigger.old, trigger.newMap, trigger.oldMap);

Let's say this is my simplified handler class.

public class OpportunityTriggerHandler {

      public void OppAfterUpdate(list<Opportunity> newOpps, list<Opportunity> oldOpps, map<Id,Opportunity> newMap, map<Id,Opportunity> oldMap){
             myMethod1(newOpps, oldOpps, newMap, oldMap);

      private void myMethod1(List<Opportunity> newOpps, List<Opportunity> oldOpps, map<Id, Opportunity> newMap, map<Id, Opportunity> oldMap){
             //MY LOGIC HERE


If I wanted to check for opps that have just changed to 'Won' using Dan Appleman's method, I would add a static map to the handler class and add this logic to myMethod1

public class OpportunityTriggerHandler {

       Private static Map <Id,boolean> oldIsWonMap = null;


       private void myMethod1(List<Opportunity> newOpps, List<Opportunity> oldOpps, map<Id, Opportunity> newMap, map<Id, Opportunity> oldMap){

               if(oldIsWonMap == null) {
                     oldIsWonMap = new map<Id,boolean >();
               set<Id> oppIds = new set<Id>();
               for(Opportunity o : newOpps){
                     boolean oldIsWon = (oldIsWonMap.containsKey(o.id)) ? oldIsWonMap.get(o.id) : oldmap.get(o.id).isWon;
                     if(o.isWon && !oldIsWon){
                     if(oldIsWon != o.isWon) {

This works great and now I have a map that holds the 'correct' old values and even if a workflow causes this trigger to fire a 2nd time, the logic will not repeat as I am checking against the correct old values from the map.

My question

How do I use this method if I have multiple, separate methods that need to check for a field change. Suppose I have 2 (or more) methods in my handler class that need to perform logic based on only opps that were just won. How would I best implement this paradigm

public class OpportunityTriggerHandler {

          public void OppBeforeUpdate(list<Opportunity> newOpps){
                 myMethod1(newOpps, oldOpps, newMap, oldMap);

          public void OppAfterUpdate(list<Opportunity> newOpps, list<Opportunity> oldOpps, map<Id,Opportunity> newMap, map<Id,Opportunity> oldMap){
                 myMethod2(newOpps, oldOpps, newMap, oldMap);
                 myMethod3(newOpps, oldOpps, newMap, oldMap);

          private void myMethod1(List<Opportunity> newOpps, List<Opportunity> oldOpps, map<Id, Opportunity> newMap, map<Id, Opportunity> oldMap){
                 //MY LOGIC HERE

          private void myMethod2(List<Opportunity> newOpps, List<Opportunity> oldOpps, map<Id, Opportunity> newMap, map<Id, Opportunity> oldMap){
                 //MY LOGIC HERE

          private void myMethod3(List<Opportunity> newOpps, List<Opportunity> oldOpps, map<Id, Opportunity> newMap, map<Id, Opportunity> oldMap){
                 //MY LOGIC HERE


Best Answer

After going over this question rather thoroughly, I think I came up with a utility that should do the trick. It's basically what @greenstork suggested, just implemented a little differently.

Below is the utility code along with implementation close to the original example:

public with sharing class BucketingUtility 
    public interface ITriggerComparisonFilter
        Set<sObject> FilterResults(List<sObject> newsObjectList, Map<Id, sObject> oldMapForsObjects);

    //Simple marker interface
    public interface IFilterable { }

    //Should be in in the IsWonOpportunityFilter class, but since I wrote it in one file, it is outside of it.
    public static Map<Id, Boolean> OldOpportunitiesThatWon = new Map<Id, Boolean>();

    public class IsWonOpportunityFilter implements ITriggerComparisonFilter, IFilterable
        public Set<sObject> FilterResults(List<sObject> newsObjectList, Map<Id, sObject> oldMapForsObjects)
            List<Opportunity> newOpportunities = (List<Opportunity>)newsObjectList;
            Map<Id, Opportunity> oldOpportunityMap = (Map<Id, Opportunity>)oldMapForsObjects;

            Set<sObject> wonOpportunities = new Set<sObject>();

            for(Opportunity singleOpportunity : newOpportunities)
                Boolean oldHasWon = (OldOpportunitiesThatWon.containsKey(singleOpportunity.Id)) ? 
                    OldOpportunitiesThatWon.get(singleOpportunity.Id) : oldOpportunityMap.get(singleOpportunity.Id).isWon;

                if(singleOpportunity.isWon && !oldHasWon)

                if(oldHasWon != singleOpportunity.isWon)

            return wonOpportunities;

    public enum Bucket

    private static Map<Bucket, IFilterable> BucketMethods = 
        new Map<Bucket, IFilterable>{ Bucket.OpportunitiesThatWon => new IsWonOpportunityFilter() };   

    private static Map<Bucket, Set<sObject>> BucketResults = new Map<Bucket, Set<sObject>>();

    private static Set<sObject> ProviderTriggerFilterResults(Bucket methodToBucketBy, List<sObject> newList, Map<Id, sObject> oldMap)
        //I'm assuming the bucket will exist in BucketMethods
        ITriggerComparisonFilter triggerFilterMethod = (ITriggerComparisonFilter)BucketMethods.get(methodToBucketBy);
        BucketResults.put(methodToBucketBy, triggerFilterMethod.FilterResults(newList, oldMap));
        return BucketResults.get(methodToBucketBy);

    public static Set<sObject> GetTriggerFilterResults(Bucket methodToBucketBy, List<sObject> newList, Map<Id, sObject> oldMap)
            return ProviderTriggerFilterResults(methodToBucketBy, newList, oldMap);
        if(BucketResults.get(methodToBucketBy) == null)
            return ProviderTriggerFilterResults(methodToBucketBy, newList, oldMap);
        return BucketResults.get(methodToBucketBy);

    public static void ClearFilteredResults(Bucket bucketMethodToClearResults)
        BucketResults.put(bucketMethodToClearResults, null);

    public static Map<Id, sObject> GetTriggerFilterResultMap(Bucket methodToBucketBy, List<sObject> newList, Map<Id, sObject> oldMap)
        return new Map<Id, SObject>(new List<sObject>(GetTriggerFilterResults(methodToBucketBy, newList, oldMap)));

    public static Set<Id> GetTriggerFilterResultIds(Bucket methodToBucketBy, List<sObject> newList, Map<Id, sObject> oldMap)
        return GetTriggerFilterResultMap(methodToBucketBy, newList, oldMap).keySet();

Now you can share your results with however many methods within your particular trigger handler. Here is an example of how to use it:

public with sharing class OpportunityHandler 
    public static void OpportunityAfterUpdate(List<Opportunity> newOpportunities, List<Opportunity> oldOpportunities, Map<Id,Opportunity> newMap, 
        Map<Id,Opportunity> oldMap)
        ExampleMethodForDemonstration(newOpportunities, oldOpportunities, newMap, oldMap);
        ExampleMethodIIForDemonstration(newOpportunities, oldOpportunities, newMap, oldMap);

    private static void ExampleMethodForDemonstration(List<Opportunity> newOpportunities, List<Opportunity> oldOpportunities, 
        Map<Id, Opportunity> newMap, Map<Id, Opportunity> oldMap)
        Set<Id> opportunityIdsForWonSet = BucketingUtility.GetTriggerFilterResultIds(BucketingUtility.Bucket.OpportunitiesThatWon, 
            newOpportunities, oldMap);

        //Operate on won Opportunities Won Id Set in Example Method

    private static void ExampleMethodIIForDemonstration(List<Opportunity> newOpportunities, List<Opportunity> oldOpportunities, 
        Map<Id, Opportunity> newMap, Map<Id, Opportunity> oldMap)
        Set<Id> opportunityIdsForWonSet = BucketingUtility.GetTriggerFilterResultIds(BucketingUtility.Bucket.OpportunitiesThatWon, 
            newOpportunities, oldMap);

        //Operate on won Opportunities Won Id Set in Example Method II

As you can see, I can now share the Id Set of all won Opportunities between method calls inside of the OpportunityHandler's OpportunityAfterUpdate method. I also only retrieve the Id Set once per call to OpportunityAfterUpdate. Once OpportunityAfterUpdate's methods are all complete, I clear the results using the BucketingUtility.ClearFilteredResults. This specifies that we should recalculate, using our filter to retrieve our Ids again, if another call occurs - like a workflow rule kicks off the trigger again. We still have the original static map to check against recursion still in place and should still guard against that.

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