[SalesForce] Close lightning component modal from within the modal

I have a modal that allows a user to select some options and then upload a file. I want to close the modal as soon as the upload completes (the user clicks the Done button). So here's my code:

Parent markup

<lightning:overlayLibrary aura:id="overlayLib"/>
<lightning:buttonIcon iconName="utility:upload" 
                      alternativeText="Upload Files" 
                      title="Upload Files"
                      onclick="{!c.handleShowModal }" disabled="{!v.disabled}"/>

Parent controller

handleShowModal: function(component, evt, helper) {
    var modalBody;
    var modalHeader;
    var recordId = component.get("v.myObjId");
    $A.createComponent("c:fileUploadModal", {relatedRecordId: recordId},
        function(content, status) {
            if (status === "SUCCESS") {
                modalBody = content;
                modalHeader = $A.get("$Label.c.Upload_Modal_Header");
                   header: modalHeader,
                   body: modalBody, 
                   showCloseButton: true,
                   cssClass: "mymodal",
                   closeCallback: function() {
                       // Refresh our list of files
                       helper.retrieveDocs(component, event, helper);

Modal markup

<lightning:fileUpload  name="fileUploader"
                       onuploadfinished="{!c.handleUploadFinished }"/>  

Modal controller:

handleUploadFinished: function (component, event) {
    var uploadedFiles = event.getParam("files");
    console.log(uploadedFiles[0].documentId); // See? it works.

Obviously the .notifyClose() isn't working because component.find("overlayLib") returns undefined since that component does not have access to the parent component.
I tried document.getElementsByClassName('uiButton--modal-closeBtn')[0].click() but that doesn't work because of Aura.
So how do I programmatically close the modal after the user acknowledges that their file has been uploaded successfully?

Best Answer

Final Edit:

Solution based on passing overlayLib as an attribute to dynamically created modal component.

Last idea that I had (and tested) is to pass overlayLib as an attribute when dynamically creating modal:

<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes">
    <aura:attribute name="lib" type="Object"/>
    <lightning:fileUpload  name="fileUploader"
                           onuploadfinished="{!c.handleUploadFinished }"/>  

handleUploadFinished: function (component, event) {
    var uploadedFiles = event.getParam("files");
    console.log(uploadedFiles[0].documentId); // See? it works.

Creating modal

handleShowModalFooter : function (component, event, helper) {
    var modalBody;
    var modalFooter;
        ["c:modalContent",{'lib':  component.find('overlayLib')}],
    function(components, status){
        if (status === "SUCCESS") {
            modalBody = components[0];
            modalFooter = components[1];
               header: "Application Confirmation",
               body: modalBody, 
               footer: modalFooter,
               showCloseButton: true,
               cssClass: "my-modal,my-custom-class,my-other-class",
               closeCallback: function() {
                   alert('You closed the alert!');

Edit: Ok I didnt fully understand question, so I'm adding new answer with old one staying just for reference.

You can of course create footer for your modal with buttons that will handle modal close.

Example mainly from the docs:

Modal footer component:

    <lightning:overlayLibrary aura:id="overlayLib"/>
    <lightning:button name="cancel" label="Cancel" onclick="{!c.handleCancel}"/>
    <lightning:button name="Close" label="Close" variant="brand" onclick="{!c.handleCancel}" disabled="true"/>

Footer controller:

    handleCancel : function(component, event, helper) {
        //closes the modal or popover from the component

Creating modal controller:

handleShowModalFooter : function (component, event, helper) {
    var modalBody;
    var modalFooter;
    function(components, status){
        if (status === "SUCCESS") {
            modalBody = components[0];
            modalFooter = components[1];
               header: "Application Confirmation",
               body: modalBody, 
               footer: modalFooter,
               showCloseButton: true,
               cssClass: "my-modal,my-custom-class,my-other-class",
               closeCallback: function() {
                   alert('You closed the alert!');

I on purpose made one button disabled in a footer so you can enable that in your code

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