[SalesForce] component.find(…).getElement not working after Summer 16 release

This line of code worked perfectly last week:
var datepickerIcon = component.find('datepicker').getElement();

Now I'm getting this error:
[TypeError: component.find(...).getElement is not a function]

The component which elements I'm trying to get is this one:
<ui:inputDate class='datepickerField' aura:id='datepicker' value=" {!v.datepickerDate}" displayDatePicker="true"/>

It's been a month since I don't make changes in the code so I'm guessing that could have something to do with the final Summer '16 release

Best Answer

Under Lightning Locker your components can no longer access DOM elements belonging to another namespace. So you can find a reference to the component but you cannot get the DOM element corresponding to it.

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