[SalesForce] Conditionally Render Button in lightning:datatable

We are using the (simplified) component/controller below but we want the view button to conditionally render. E.g. When record.boolean__c = true. Is there a way to do this using the lightning:datatable component?

I understand that these would render as lightning:button but I cannot see a method to dynamically render on either component.


    columns="{! v.theColumns }"
    data="{! v.theData }"


doInit : function(component, event, helper){
        {label: 'Record Name', fieldName:
            'Name',type: 'text', iconName: 'standard:product_item'
        {type: 'button',
            sortable: false,
            typeAttributes: {
                            iconName: 'action:preview',
                            label: 'View', 
                            name: 'viewRecord', 
                            disabled: false, 
        {type: 'button',
        sortable: false,
        typeAttributes: {
                        iconName: 'action:new',
                        label: 'Add', 
                        name: 'addRecord', 
                        disabled: false, 

Best Answer

According to the documentation, you can only enable/disable the button with a disabled property that points to another data cell.

You can see that in the "Action" column of the "Data Table in Action" example.

If you want to hide the action, you are better off using dynamic row actions. They don't show up as a button but they are generated on a per-row basis.