[SalesForce] Constructor Not Defined Error when writing a test class

I read through other Constructor Error posts but I seem to be missing something, I am writing a test class net new for a class that edits an event that was built by another developer. Previously, I had been working on a test class for a class that creates an event.

The edit class uses a standard controller and it's throwing off the code I am trying to reuse from the create test class.

I have this working in a method:

@isTest static void doSaveFail(){

    // Get the new Account Id we created and put it into the vf page.
    Account acc = [Select Id FROM Account];

    // Grab the user 
    User u1 = [Select Id, LastName FROM User WHERE username = 'apextestuser@npd.com'];

    SL_CallReport callReport = new SL_CallReport();

    callReport.event.EndDateTime = System.now() - 1;



I tried to edit this method to do the same but with the standard controller I get the error Constructor not defined.

@isTest static void doSaveFail(){

    // Get the new Account Id we vf page.
    Account acc = [Select Id FROM Account];

    // Grab the user
    User u1 = [Select Id, LastName FROM User WHERE username = 'apextestuser@npd.com'];

    ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController();
    SL_CallReportEditController callReport = new SL_CallReportEditController(sc);

    callReport.event.EndDateTime = System.now() - 1;




    * @methodName  Constructor
    * @date 5/18/2016
    * @description : Constructor
public SL_CallReportEditController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) 
    // logic

Error: Result: [COMPILE FAILED]: (classes/NPD_Test_CallReport_Edit.cls) Constructor not defined: [ApexPages.StandardController].() (Line: 161, Column: 43)

Best Answer

The ApexPages.StandardController class does not have an empty constructor. The only defined constructor accepts one SObject parameter:

public StandardController(SObject controllerSObject)

So in your testMethod you must do:

ApexPages.StandardController controller = new ApexPages.StandardController(acc);
MyExtension extension = new MyExtension(controller);

A note that in the constructor logic (I removed because it seems irrelevant here) you do not need to ever touch ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters(). Just use the ApexPages.StandardController.getId() method:

Id controllerId = stdController.getId();

Your SL_CallReportEditController class does not have a constructor defined that accepts an instance of ApexPages.StandardController as its only parameter. By default, only the empty constructor is defined, and this definition is lost if you define one yourself.

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