[SalesForce] Convert Opportunity into Contract

is there any option to convert an opportunity object into a new contract standard object (and copy some information from the opportunity into the contract)? Is that possible using apex triggers (i.e. when oportunity status is equal to Closed/Won –> Create new Contract object?

Best Answer

Yes, you can absolutely accomplish this through an apex trigger.

If you dont have much Apex experience this link will really help to show you some of the best practices when writing triggers


As far as the trigger you are looking for, something like this should work

trigger Opportunity_Trigger on Opportunity (after insert) { 

    set<Id> oppIds = new set<id>();
    for(Opportunity o : trigger.new){
        if(o.isWon && !trigger.oldMap.get(o.Id).isWon){
    list<Opportunity> myOpps = [Select Id, Name, StageName, OwnerId, AccountId, CloseDate, Amount
                                    From Opportunity 
                                    Where Id In : oppIds];
    list<Contract> newContracts = new list<Contract>();                             
    for(Opportunity o : myOpps){
        //Add whatever information from the opp to the contract that you want here
        myContracts.add(new Contract(
            AccountId = o.AccountId,
            //add more contract attributes here
    insert newContracts;

While this should be a fully functioning trigger, and should work fine. Once you get comfortable writing triggers in this fashion, you might want to look into using another besdt practice for writing triggers, which is keeping the logic of the trigger outside of the trigger itself. There are many frameworks out there for this. Here are just a few






These are great resources, but I would make sure you are more comfortable with Apex code before trying to jump into these.

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